I am grateful for a new year, with a fresh start! The year 2011 brought a lot of experiences in my life that has made me change the way I look at life, and I have truly grown from my challenges and spiritual experiences that I have had. I'm grateful for all of my trials and happy moments! I want to be able to think of ways to be happy EVERY SINGLE DAY! Life is too short to spend it being sad or down. I'm no blogger, so I hope that my desire to do this everyday will continue. I know that if we stay positive, and look up in life, anything negative will become a positive experience! With that said..........Let's Smile!

Friday, March 16, 2012

SMILE #76 Good Friends

Good friends make me smile!  I have had several good friends come into my life, and I'm grateful for each and everyone of them.  I still remember one of my first "best friends" when I was only 7!  We would play together everyday!  When I entered High School and then College, that is where the real true friends came into place.   It then continued after I got married, and found some really amazing friends that always seemed to live next door to me!  I feel very fortunate, to have been so lucky to have such great neighbors and they turn out to be true friends. 

Today I was invited by a few ladies I work with at the gym daycare, to work on a little craft project with them.  It was so nice of them to welcome me into their home, and accept me as a friend.  They are wonderful women, and I am grateful to know them and have them as friends.  I did not finish the project yet, so I can't post the picture, but maybe when I've finished it, I will! 

Do you have a good friend that makes you smile?

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