I am grateful for a new year, with a fresh start! The year 2011 brought a lot of experiences in my life that has made me change the way I look at life, and I have truly grown from my challenges and spiritual experiences that I have had. I'm grateful for all of my trials and happy moments! I want to be able to think of ways to be happy EVERY SINGLE DAY! Life is too short to spend it being sad or down. I'm no blogger, so I hope that my desire to do this everyday will continue. I know that if we stay positive, and look up in life, anything negative will become a positive experience! With that said..........Let's Smile!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

SMILE #273 Getting Engaged

Well, I didn't get around to putting my smile down about getting engaged on the the anniversary of my engagement, so I would like to share it today!  My little brother proposed to his girlfriend last night, and it just got me so excited and happy!  I smile to know that we will have yet another great sister in-law in the family!

Here is the cute picture when he just proposed!  So fun!  He had her older sister hiding in the bushes getting the whole thing on camera!  What fun!

But I just want to smile about when my wonderful man proposed to me!  It was July 3rd 2004, and he said he wanted to take me fishing!  I'm not much of a fisher, and I didn't even care to go, but I thought i'd be nice and go with him!  After an hour or so of fishing, and not catching anything, he could tell I was getting board, so he was cleaning up his everything, and putting it all back in the tackle box.  I had my head turned, and looking at something else, and apologized to him, that he didn't catch anything, and that I didn't get into the fishing like he'd hoped!  He begins to tell me that it's fine, because he caught a big whopper!  I turned around to see what he meant, and he was kneeling down, holding a ring up to me, and asked me to marry him!  It was absolutely perfect!  I of course then said yes and gave him a great big kiss! He then had a picnic all ready for us, and we sat and ate dinner by the river side!  It was PERFECT!   It was then, only a few months later that we sealed the deal in the Salt Lake Temple!  I smile, and am happy to share this story!  

 We of course didn't have anyone there to take pictures right away, but this is the night of the proposal!  Fun to have this as a memory!

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