The lack of snow this winter is killing me! If it's going to be cold, lets have the snow! The snow makes me smile because of the blanket of white it leaves a place once it has come and gone. I'm not not the biggest fan of the winter season, but when the snow comes, it's fun to see the light in the children's eye's and how excited they get! Even today with the few flurries we've had, my kids are so happy with it! When there is a lot of snow it's fun to go sledding! For a while now, it's been a tradition to go sledding during the new year's break with the whole family. My dad (Grandpa) is usually the one who keeps the energy going! He is right there with the kids going down the hill! This year, since there was not enough snow build up for that, we had to forego that tradition, but when it did snow enough to enjoy something, we got the whole group together and we (well....mainly my dad and the grand-kids) built 2 very large snowman!
Wish I took a picture! We had a husband and a wife! It pretty much wiped my parents yard of snow! They were the only ones in the neighborhood with 2 snowman, and now snow on the ground! It was a fun sight! Thanks Dad for that fun memory!
So make sure when it snows again, take a look outside, and smile! It really is a beautiful sight!
Another reason to sister took pictures! So here is one
Another reason to sister took pictures! So here is one
or go HERE to see all of them!
You might not have taken pictures, but I took tonz! Here is the link to my blog post with them:
Also happy to see one more thing that we totally feel the same way about! Love ya sis!