I am grateful for a new year, with a fresh start! The year 2011 brought a lot of experiences in my life that has made me change the way I look at life, and I have truly grown from my challenges and spiritual experiences that I have had. I'm grateful for all of my trials and happy moments! I want to be able to think of ways to be happy EVERY SINGLE DAY! Life is too short to spend it being sad or down. I'm no blogger, so I hope that my desire to do this everyday will continue. I know that if we stay positive, and look up in life, anything negative will become a positive experience! With that said..........Let's Smile!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

SMILE #323 Forts

Do you remember as a kid gathering all the books, chairs and blankets, and pillow's you could find in the house, and making the coolest fort's ever?  I do, and it makes me smile, because my boys LOVE to make forts, but they usually end up asking me or my husband to build it for them!  But today, they did one all on their own!  So cute, and they were so impressed with themselves!  

They didn't make this one!  Just fun for a picture!

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