I am grateful for a new year, with a fresh start! The year 2011 brought a lot of experiences in my life that has made me change the way I look at life, and I have truly grown from my challenges and spiritual experiences that I have had. I'm grateful for all of my trials and happy moments! I want to be able to think of ways to be happy EVERY SINGLE DAY! Life is too short to spend it being sad or down. I'm no blogger, so I hope that my desire to do this everyday will continue. I know that if we stay positive, and look up in life, anything negative will become a positive experience! With that said..........Let's Smile!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

SMILE #290 A Broken T.V.

Yesterday, our T.V. decided to stop working!  When I push the power button, it act's like it wants to turn on, but then 1 second later it shuts off!  But here is why it makes me smile!  1.  My house was kind of quite today....(besides the fact of watching movies with my little sick girl on our portable dvd player in bed!) 2.  It forces me to get so much more done, because the T.V. is not even there as a distraction 3.  I missed the Presidential Debate tonight!  All I've heard about it, is that it was too annoying to even watch!  

That's why I smile about a broken T.V.!  No, I don't plan on keeping it this way forever.  I'll be calling someone to come look at it tomorrow!  If it's too costly of a fix, we'll just have to get a new one!  Darn......since my whole married life, we have NEVER had to buy a T.V.!  We've had 2, in our 8 years, and both of them were given to us for free!  So if it's time to buy one, I think it's okay to justify right?

Thought this was funny!.....Yet SOOO true!

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