My sister has these tadpoles that they gathered from a neighbors pool as they were cleaning it out and preparing it for the summer season. She decided to make it a learning project for her kids, and teach them how they grow. I do not have the picture of how small they were at the beginning, but here is one of them, they got today. The legs had popped out last week, and today one of the tadpoles had his or should I say her (my niece called her Janette!) arms pop out! I know it's hard to tell from the picture, but you can see Janette's little arms and legs! Pretty cute! It's pretty crazy to see the formation that takes place from these little things lat look like fish, and then turn into these hopping frogs! It made all of the kids smile!
God's creations are truly amazing and inspiring to me. The fact that He can create such amazing things from something so small! All of His creations are important, and special to me. I'm grateful I live in such a beautiful world!
What is one of God's creations that makes you smile?
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